ML Skye

ML Skye


Welcome to the ML Skye page. If you like science fiction or speculative romance, this is the place to be.

Soldiers hooking up, pilots maneuvering in and out of the cockpit, interstellar police officers nabbing the bad guys while keeping their relationships hot are a few samples of what you’ll find between my pages.

Please feel free to poke around and get a glimpse of my available and coming soon titles.

I’m also on social media and love to interact with readers. Stop over and say hi!

Thanks for visiting!

ML Skye


Surviving-the-Trap-Med-300x525-New-Logo-Fontbucking ConventionDress for DinnerBoyfriend's Brother Buy LinkMidwinter Crises by ML Skye a Capital City Seasons noveletteSpirit's Bright Star by ML Skye. Book cover with a couple at the bottom and a spray of stars at the top. Maroon band in the middle. Reds and silver are prominent colors.Lovery's Day by ML Skye. Book cover with a couple almost kissing featured prominently and a background of pink, purple, coral swirls.